Can You Trademark A Slogan . However, not all slogans are registrable as trademarks. That's my take anyway, if you choose to.
When you register a trademark, you get the exclusive right to use that name, logo, or slogan to identify your product or service. You don't need a trademark to make a slogan your own; However, not all slogans are registrable as trademarks.
In order to secure a trademark on your slogan it must be creative enough to be distinct from other slogans and identify your good, product, or company.
If you want to keep others from using it, however, you should trademark the slogan. Determine if your slogan is already in use. The slogan may be confused as originating from them and they likely have the ability to enforce trademark rights. Search the internet, state trademark databases and applicable business listings for unregistered use of the slogan to be sure it can be trademarked.