How Long Do You Have To Wear Invisalign In A Day . This is why a person will have to wear their retainer for around 22 hours a day in the days and weeks after invisalign. For some people, this period will be longer than six months.
How long do you need to wear a retainer? Generally speaking, it takes about 2 years for adults to wear invisible braces, and it may take longer for individual friends. Just remember, wearing it is necessary to ensure your teeth do not move or shift.
How long do i need to wear invisalign per day?
Ideally, you should wear it 22 hours a day, every day. The average invisalign case takes between 6 months and 1 year. Your cosmetic dentist will give you customized recommendations, based on your unique issues. Generally speaking, it takes about 2 years for adults to wear invisible braces, and it may take longer for individual friends.